OEM Sensor Assembly
Modular, flexible gas analyzer components
Accessory assemblies for OEM sensors
In our product range we offer not only our own OEM sensors, but also various accessory components.
These can be used to connect/integrate the gas sensors into an existing measurement setup, measuring device or analyzer.
You build your own analyzer with the help of our OEM sensors?
Perhaps you will find components in our “Sensor-Assembly” which complement your device in a useful way.
Electrochemical assembly
For various applications it is necessary to determine the oxygen concentration (O2) in addition to other gases. An electro-chemical sensor is suitable for this purpose. The sensor measures oxygen concentrations in a range of
0-25 % and has within this range a tolerance of ± 0,1 % for display error, reproducibility and cross-sensitivity
(0,1 % vol.).
When measuring NO/NOX concentrations using the chemiluminescence method (CLD), ozone occurs.
Ozone is an irritant gas and can lead to nosebleeds and pulmonary oedema in addition to tears and breathing difficulties. It is very harmful to health and should therefore never be inhaled. For this reason, the use of an ozone destructor is recommended in order to protect above all health, but also the nose (ozone is very odorous).
The function of the gas cooler is to separate the moisture in the sample gas. The contained water vapour/moisture is cooled to 4°C via a Peltier element, so that the vapour condenses. The heat is dissipated via fans.
A gas cooler can significantly improve the performance of your measuring instrument and helps to avoid costly compensation due to cross-sensitivities caused by water vapor.
Display + control board
The user interface of the HMI is similar to that of a smartphone, which facilitates intuitive operation. The basic module can be integrated into a device and can also be visually adapted according to customer requirements/degree of integration.
Cartridge + holder + converter material - heated; without insulation
NOX-Converter insulated
Cartridge + holder + converter material - heated; with insulation
The insulated NOX-converter consists of a heated cartridge containing the converter material and a thermal insulation. The insulation enables effective heating and constant temperatures at the cartridge. The sample gas (including NO2) is fed through the cartridge. The material inside the converter causes a reduction of NO2 molecules to NO. The converter reaches a conversion efficiency of up to 98 %. With the help of a converter, NOX measurements can be carried out with the same sensor in addition to NO measurements. The converter, which is accessible from the front, is easily exchangeable.
Pressure Control Module
Board with pressure sensors + valve block (proportional valve)
The module for pressure control consists of a board with several pressure sensors and various control elements as well as a valve block.
This contains a suitable proportional valve with which the pressure can be regulated.
Temperature Control Module
control board + heating cartridge + fan
The condensation of components in the sample gas can lead to contamination in the lines or the measuring chamber or to clogging of nozzles. Heating certain parts of the analyzer can prevent this condensation and thus improve the function of the entire instrument. The temperature of an appropriate heating cartridge can be set via a control board.
An additional fan is used for heat dissipation.
Analog-Output Module
Analog/Digital CAN Module
The analog output module is used to switch both analog and digital outputs.
It contains three configurable analog and five high-side outputs.
The module can be combined with the TraceGas sensors and the HMI.
Depending on the customer’s requirements, the module can be adapted for optimal performance.
Regulated pump
The pump is a vacuum pump that reaches a flow of 8 l/min.
This flow is also adjustable. The pump needs a 24 V DC power supply.
An additional cable is attached for direct use of the pump.
Sensor Extension module
If further sensor technologies are required, this module will be the best and most flexible extension solution. It is suitable to apply 1x TCD (thermal conductivity detector), 1x NDIR sensor, 1x paramagnetic oxygen sensor, 1x electrochemical oxygen sensor or 1x zirconia oxygen sensor. Futhermore, 3x pressure sensors as well as a temperature sensor are included.
Factsheet on the OEM assemblies
We have summarized the most important information about the technology, possible applications and our technical design options in a clear factsheet.

Need help?
We look forward to help you choose the perfect gas analysis products for your needs. Talk to us about different technologies and our gas analyzers or OEM sensors.