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Introducing OEM Assemblies

TRACE-GAS OEM sensor assemblies are designed to operate standalone or in combination with any of our sensors in order to fullfill additional functions required by our customers

We offer…

  • Analog output module
  • HMI
  • Electrochemical sensors
  • Gas cooler
  • NOx converters
  • Pressure control modules
  • Temperature control modules
  • Various pumps

The picture above shows an example of a NDIR sensor + Analog output module. For purposes like troubleshooting or if analog inputs are required by a PLC, it is benefitial to have an analog output signal.
The modules can be used plug and play without the need of teaching them.

Check out our OEM assemblies here and let us know if we can support you:

Watch a quick video about the asembly options here:

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